Philip Zimmermann

Photos for Publication

These higher resolution photos may be downloaded by the press for use in books, magazines, web sites, or other publications or for use in speaker/conference event materials.

This non-exclusive permission covers all rights to publish these photos, with the qualification or exceptions, if any, noted below. Philip Zimmermann is fully authorized to grant this permission if the photo is not marked with qualifications or exceptions.

Click on a photo for the full-size high resolution image.

PRZ closeup
(2.5MB, 600 dpi)
PRZ medium
(1.6MB, 600 dpi)
PRZ in Dublin
(512KB, 300 dpi)
PRZ unknown source

PRZ in Red Square
(288 KB)
September 1999
Please credit source: Computerworld Russia
Cartoon of Phil from Computer Power User Magazine
(380 KB)
Please credit source: CPU Magazine
PRZ b-b-b-bad
Helen Davis, Denver Post
This photo was taken right after the Justice Department dropped their case against me in 1996. I was feeling pretty good. The right to use this Denver Post photo in newspapers remains unclear, but I couldn't resist including it.